Monday, July 7, 2014

Around Here...

Man, life has been crazy lately.  In a good way, of course.  And, I know almost everyone I talk to could say that.  I think it's partly summer, partly the phase we're in in life, and partly having a hard time saying "no" to anything.  However, when we slow down and I look around at all of my blessings, I know I wouldn't have it any other way.

Since John Paul  was born in the middle of flu season and right before RSV gets crazy, it seems we stayed home and away from people for months.  Yes, I'm that mom.  However, with this one, we haven't been able to do that.  She's been to a little 4th of July party, on a solo trip with Mom to Amarillo, around plenty of visitors and will soon be taking her first flight (yikes!).  I think we need a bit of a break though.  Maybe soon :)

The boys have been going non-stop.  Thank goodness for an amazing dad who gets home from longs days of work and plays with them, often until bedtime.  I have so much to be thankful for.  One of the most difficult things with having a new baby for me (there is so much positive - in fact, it's about my favorite things in the world) is feeling like I cannot give the other kids enough attention for awhile.  Maybe it's just the pressure we put on ourselves, or maybe it's been a concern of moms for generations, but I feel they have to learn quickly to just play together (not a bad thing in and of itself).  BUT...I feel like all I do is feed this little one (I think that's why nursing never lasts really long for me and a new babe).  After that, I have to tidy the house, get meals together, do the necessities of life like paying bills etc, and the next thing I know, the day is gone.  I have a hard time slowing down.
The boys with their cousin, Braxton.

However, the other day, I had just made these cookies (that you should make)...
...and Carter had just woken up from his nap.  He found me on the computer and said, "Mommy, I have a gweat idea!  How 'bout we grab a blanket, snuggle on the couch and have a chocolate chip cookie!?"  He is not a snuggler.  I jumped at the chance and it was the best 5 minutes of the day.  I just need to remember to do that more often.

We had a few doctors' appointments the other day (a 4 year well check that I thought would be the end of Carter, an 18 month well check and a 2 week baby appt).  Three at once is probably not the best idea ever. As we were coming home, we drove by a feedlot.  Carter screamed, "WOAH, John Paul went poo-poo!" It sure smelled like it.

The boys have been such great helpers!!  And, they take their jobs very seriously.  Carter is always covering Sophie with a blanket.  John Paul puts her "fire" back in (usually after he's pulled it out).  And, Peter is always checking on her, asking about her non-stop.  He says "she's the sister in all da world" (the best sister in the whole world).  It makes my heart swell.

People always ask right away how they're eating and sleeping.  I'd say great on both fronts.  We've been getting a 5-6 hour stretch at night.  Sure makes the next day a bit easier to tackle.  She's starting to spit up a lot, like her older brothers.  I hope it tapers off and she breaks that mold.  If not, we just in for a lot more carpet stains ;)

In the next few weeks, we have her baptism, the most amazing wedding in history (I'm sure), and possibly a conference in Dallas.  And, just like that, summer is basically gone!  I bet we find a way to squeeze in a lot more simple fun though.

I obviously haven't blogged much, and I definitely haven't read many.  I miss it.  And, this one is about as random as they come.  But, I've been enjoying being a mom and learning what it means to have four little ones.  Life is good.  So good.


  1. I love all these pictures. Having a new baby in the house is so fun, and so much work at the same time. Then add in three toddlers boys! You're my hero!

  2. Goodness, Soph is so precious!

  3. Busy, busy! I love the photos of the boys admiring their little sister. So sweet.

    I also love that you took a few minutes to cuddle with Carter and a cookie. :)


  4. Love this update! Sophie is so sweet and I love all the pictures of the boys in their big brother shoes! So sweet! And, please let me know if you'll be in Dallas for that conference! I know you have tons of places to stay but please know our home is your home! Would love to see you! *prayers*

  5. Look at all that sweetness~


  6. Everything sounds absolutely wonderful at the moment! :) It is so sweet of the boys to take such great care of little Sophie. But I'd be scared to be her come high school and college; I'm sure they'll scare lots of prospects off as her big brothers ;)!
