Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Mid-week Likes & Links
These kiddos. They are so often such a reminder to slow down. And, I need that reminder all too often! I had just made my first round of cupcake cones, and I'd highly recommend them - so much less messy than just cupcakes!
If you love Zella leggings like I do, you might also love these. Truthfully, I feel a bit weird about the see-through part when I have them on. I like them on other people but wonder about them on me.
I am in love with this scent! I have it in hand soap and also counter cleaner!
I made these the other day. I'm truly not a fan of things like this...protein stuff, trying to make baked goods with protein, or a lack of flour (I know I'm blessed that finding alternatives to wheat isn't a necessity!). So, I do't know why I made these, but really there aren't bad!
These little doughnut holes on the other hand...
I never was a fan of salisbury steak when it was that day in the cafeteria, but I've been changed by The Pioneer Woman's recipe. All the kids love it, too!
My mother-in-law told me about this as a moisturizer, and I love it!
Have a great week!
Monday, September 25, 2017
It was supposed to be ladybug season, so I really wanted to go to Mount Capulin - a short drive from our house - this summer. The kids were so, so excited to hike down a "real volcano!" We had to remind some many times that no, it wouldn't explode while we were walking down.

It turned out that the lady bugs were on the outer rim, so I suggested we go. No one really wanted to. Except me. So, I talked a few into it.
Then, things became too much for some, and well, they started whining, and then crying, and I looked down and saw these before I turned right back around in a hurry to get.outta.there.
Truly, I'm glad we took them, and they had fun. For a short time, ha!
Friday, September 22, 2017
Learning to Ride
When I was young, we helped with cattle work a lot. That meant I was riding before I started school. I loved it and never thought anything of it. But, for some reason, I haven't made it a priority with my kids. Yes, I want them to know how to ride and to feel comfortable and confident doing so. But, I haven't felt a need to rush that.
So, when Sugarfoot is in the pens, and when it's a good time, we get him out and practice in the round pen. This was one of those days...
It goes a bit like this: We have one serious rider who loves it.
We have one who could take it or leave it.
(with a little help from his brother trying to get the horse to go faster)
We have one who would prefer a bunking bronc.

And one who just loves to do anything her brothers do.

Thank goodness they have the best teachers and are able to learn to ride when they can!
Thursday, September 21, 2017
The Big One
It's no secret that Peter loves to fish. His Pops does, too, so I think he comes by it honestly! He tries to fish in my parents' pond every time we are there. Well, this particular morning, he was all alone, and we hear him yelling at Elley for help! She came running thinking there had been an accident, only to find him with his Mickey Mouse fishing pole bent, pulling the wire with his hands, and yelling for her to grab the net. Then we saw this...

Who knew there we even any catfish in there! Usually they catch about a five-inch perch. Kolbe was IMPressed.
I wish now that we would have weighed it. Next time! Man, though, someone once said, "that boy was correctly named!" After Saint Peter (the fisherman!). My prayer is he is as faithful as well.
Sweet Peter.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Mid-week Likes & Links
It's been awhile! A loooong while. So, prepare yourself for some updating...or some skipping of the next two weeks or so of posts.
I'm loving these jeans. Granted, it isn't something I ever thought I'd buy. Never say never! They're baggy, a bit distressed, and far from my typical uniform of skinny jeans. But, they are so comfy! And, best part...$30!
Chocolate milk meets coffee, and it's so tasty!
We are loving everything Kodiak Cakes these days! My favorites are their flapjacks on the go. I also love the dark chocolate pancakes covered in peanut butter. Jeremy is a big fan of their granola! Try some!
I tried this peanut butter. I think I prefer honey peanut butter, but this is a fun, fallish change on apples!
It's a good thing Sophie basically likes clothes I pick out, because look at this skirt! Paired with their navy peter-pan top and some knee high cute!
There isn't a one I don't feel is written directly at me, but his September 3rd podcast...a kick in the pants!
Have I mentioned how much I love this book...reading a few pages before bed, it's so relaxing.
I can't get enough of this song.
Have a great Wednesday!!
I'm loving these jeans. Granted, it isn't something I ever thought I'd buy. Never say never! They're baggy, a bit distressed, and far from my typical uniform of skinny jeans. But, they are so comfy! And, best part...$30!
Chocolate milk meets coffee, and it's so tasty!
We are loving everything Kodiak Cakes these days! My favorites are their flapjacks on the go. I also love the dark chocolate pancakes covered in peanut butter. Jeremy is a big fan of their granola! Try some!
I tried this peanut butter. I think I prefer honey peanut butter, but this is a fun, fallish change on apples!
It's a good thing Sophie basically likes clothes I pick out, because look at this skirt! Paired with their navy peter-pan top and some knee high cute!
There isn't a one I don't feel is written directly at me, but his September 3rd podcast...a kick in the pants!
Have I mentioned how much I love this book...reading a few pages before bed, it's so relaxing.
I can't get enough of this song.
Have a great Wednesday!!
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
A Look Back: Fourth of July
Our Fourth of July was full of fun...a hometown parade, an unexpected visit with the best college friend, and a day with the cousins!
It isn't a Clayton celebration without sausage on a stick.
The kids looooove to wave...
As expected, Gen was a bit scared.
Look at this crew!
Then, it was time for a bit of fishing with Uncle Sean.
Every grandchild has enjoyed some porch time with Papa.
Look closely.
One can never be too safe riding their mom's old tricycle.
Then came the best part...
God bless America!