Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Five Favorites...

Linking up with Hallie today for 
Five Favorites, hosted at
I tried to create a little more of an artsy look for this week's favorites.  I still need a lot of practice :)

1.  I think this top is really cute and different!
2.  This lip stain doesn't dry your lips or overwhelm them with color.
3.  These skinny jeans are really comfortable - more like a legging - and they aren't too pricey!
4.  I might be sold on drugstore mascara now!
5.  I'm looking for a pair of ankle boots (maybe for Christmas), and I kind of like the gray these days (and...I change my mind every other day).

Have a blessed day and head on over to Moxie Wife for a ton of great faves!

1 comment :

  1. That looks super artsy to me! I have no idea how people do that, so I'm impressed!

