I asked for candle recommendations a few weeks ago, and a friend of mine contacted me saying
she made them. How fun is that?! So, she sent me some things to try. I'm very sensitive to smells - I get headaches easily, but I love lightly scented things. So, I'm really loving her Snuggle Up candle, and the Clean Breeze scent is great, too!
They are soy wax candles with a cotton wick, so they are clean burning, and I love that!
She sent all of these car air fresheners, and the kids snatched them up as soon as they saw them.

They have them hung on their bedroom doors or directly from their beds, ha! And, they are very, very proud of them.
You can find all of Jackie's products
here. And, her candles are just $12. Check them out!
I don't know why but I've had more fever blisters this Spring/Summer than ever before, so I'm a bit skiddish to even wear my lipstick. For now, I have
this from Burt's Bees, and it looks so much darker than it is. It's not or I wouldn't love it. But, I do :)
I'm a big fan of
these FruitSource bars, and I've recently tried the blueberry/pomegranate flavor - yum.
I finally got Genevieve
one of these rosaries, and it entertains her for a good part of Mass!
For those of you who are a bit on the nerdy side (like me!) when it comes to excitement about a new planner, did you see that
Erin Condren released her new ones?
My cousin also told me about
these erasable pens/markers for them. They really work!
I love
this bathing suit. I wish it were in black though.
so tempted to rent this but will I cry my eyes out?
My cousin recommended
adding these to my water. They are just crystalized citrus...and they are amazing - I love adding them to carbonated water. The lime is my favorite.
I bought
this dress on a whim for family photos and have really liked it.
In the next few weeks, I'm doing a print giveaway from a fun shop and an essential oils giveaway. Stay tuned!!