Monday, January 29, 2018

Slowing Down with Sickness

Oh man, it's been a little crazy around here.  Nothing that not everyone has gone through at some point, and nothing serious, but the kids have been sick since the first of this month.  First it was flu, then strep.  Then a stomach bug, and now some other upper respiratory thing.  Yes, we're tired.  Yes, being sick seems to magnify everything else in their little lives.  Part of me is tired of them being sick for my sake, but more so, I'm tired for them.  I'm tired of hearing them not sleeping at night, and coughing all day.  I'm tired of them feeling achey and not hungry.

BUT!  And, this is a huge "but" - we really are so well.  In these teeny sicknesses, I have to always give thanks.  Thanks that this is all we have right now.  Thanks for overall extremely healthy children.  Thanks for the opportunity to slow down.

One of those days, we did a little art.

I have no idea what it is like to suffer with a sick child.  And, I ache for those who know that well.  I don't know how you see them hurt so much and not break down yourself.  These days of mild sickness are constant reminders of the blessings we've been given and how thankful I am for however long they last.  

We are on our way to an immunologist in two weeks to see if we can determine what has been causing a chronic cough in Carter.  I'm ready to know what it might be and how we might make it better.  

God bless those of you with sick ones right now, too!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Mid-week Likes & Links - A Day Late

First of all, can I just tell you how excited I am about this Lent study?  If you want to delve deeply into your soul as you purge the pain and reach to Him for your everything, let's do this one together. 

If you use a curling iron or a flat iron, I love this spray.

I ordered this book and cannot wait to delve in.

I'm enjoying listening to this

One of my favorite Christmas gifts!

I've never made a king cake but I think we'll attempt this one this year

This talk is so, so good!

If you work out and have never done any rolling, I just started this week - holy moly!

Have a great rest of the week and let me know your new favorites

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Reading Aloud

I remember my mom reading to me growing up.  It was one of my favorite things to do with her.  She had a beautiful gift of really making stories come alive.  My favorites were the Value Tales and the James Herriot books.  

Since then, my girls have enjoyed those books as well.  I don't read to them as often as I should, but it's my goal to improve that this year.

For now, they really love "reading" themselves.

These have been some of our favorites as of late, if you need some ideas...

Take it to the Queen: A Tale of Hope


We are reading the Little House series and I want to stat Chronicles of Narnia soon.

What are some of your favorites?

Monday, January 22, 2018

Italians in the Making

So, for Christmas, I got Jeremy a little pasta maker on a whim.  Here is actually what I bought, and for the first time, it was a big hit!  It came with a pasta roller, flour for pasta, a spoon, and a cookbook!  And, can I tell you, this gift has benefited all of us!  Jeremy is on a roll.

We've made braciole.  

We've made rustic pizza.  

We've made fettuccine, spaghetti, meat balls, soups and sauce (every Sunday).  And it has been!  I've loved seeing Jeremy in the kitchen more.  I've loved trying new things, and I've loved all of us getting involved.  I'm not sure I'll love the scale, but ohhhh well.

Jeremy jokes that when our kids are out of the home and avid Italian food eaters and cookers, their friends might ask if they're Italian.  And, I'm sure they'll respond with, "No, our parents just wanted to be!"


Friday, January 19, 2018

One Trip Around the Sun

How? How? How?  Isn't that the tune I always sing?!  It has been a year.  And, what a sweet one!  This little guy...he lights up our lives.  He just is the sweetest thing.  So, so good.

We had flu for his birthday, but we still had such a special, little day.  

I made this cake.

It was fun, but it wasn't my favorite one we've made/tried.

Jeremy made pasta to go with our meatballs and braciole (yes, with his fun new Italian cooking interest), and I think Henry loved every bit of it.
He watched his siblings open and put together his gifts.

And, he was so proud of them singing to him.

 He ate every last bite of the true Fisk/Carter family fashion.

Then, he tried out his new set of wheels.

Oh, Henry.  You are so loved.  As our family has gotten larger over the (short!) years, I am sure some have wondered how we can love each of you enough when we are pulled in so many different directions...when each of you still needs us on a very basic level.  The truth is, I've wondered the same thing right before each of you were born.  It has kept me up at night.  The fear of the unknown (even though I should know very well how instantly I fall so deeply in love with each of you as soon as you're in my arms), coupled with the hundred other thoughts running through the mind of a soon-to-be momma again can oftentimes be paralyzing.  But the truth is, you were made for us.  

You were given to us as a that we borrow until we can get you back safely into the arms of the Giver.  And as we receive you, our hearts wonder where you ever were.  

I couldn't love any of you more than I already do.  Although, at times, with my failings and yellings, I'm sure you question that.  

What I mean to say is, you all are loved.  Beyond measure.  And, with each little one of you that comes along, our hearts are stretched more.  You have helped us to realize there truly is go greater gift than life.  While we have made so many mistakes, you are teaching us what is important, what can be let go, and how to grow in patience (sorry I need a daily lesson).

I worry I will mess up.  I worry that I will parent you in the wrong way.  I sometimes go to bed at night praying that you know I love you because of the difficulty of the day.  

I do.  Each of you.  And, I always, always will.

Happy birthday, sweet boy.

Monday, January 1, 2018

The End and The Beginning

We finished the year off with a bang, family style.  Jeremy got a pasta maker for Christmas, and so we decided to make lasagna rolls!  As soon as the kids were down for naps after lunch, we got to it!  I made fresh tomato sauce, and he started rolling out the pasta dough!  Maybe four hours later, dinner was served!

We had a candle-lit dinner with all of the kids, and it was so much fun!  What was even better is that they didn't see the tomatoes and spinach in the lasagna rolls and gobbled them right up, saying it was the best.meal.ever!  Win, win.

The entire time Gen just wanted to blow out the Advent candles that we had not lit until last night (you know, after Advent).

 So, she finally did.

Then, we started the first morning of 2018 with popovers! 
I am always amazed at how quickly another year comes and is gone.  After Christmas, I'm always sad it is over, and by the time the next one rolls around, I can't believe we've spent another year already.  I sometimes find myself aching for what has gone yet looking forward for what's to come simultaneously.  

Yet, our lives are full.  So very full.  We are able to spend more time with our babies than a lot of people.  We are blessed to see the joy of His creation daily.  While schooling can at times be so frustrating, I also get to be with these little ones so much more than if I sent them to school, and for that I'm extremely grateful.  I have parents and in-laws most would die for.  I am married to a man who is so extremely selfless, and we do this parenting gig/vocation together, always.  I am surrounded by beautiful friends both in my community and this amazing online community.

I have my faith.  I have my health.  And, I have a new day to spend as I choose.  I don't always choose best.  I get frustrated too quickly, often.  I vow to not do things one day and then find myself doing them the very next day.  I don't always appreciate the blessings right before my eyes.  I don't often live as if there might not be a tomorrow.  I let myself get hurt.  I let myself hold onto things too long.  I do not always choose to love.

This year, I want to do better.  I want to put God first, always, even when it's not the easy choice.  I want my husband to feel that he is always my number one person here.  I want my kids to go to bed at night knowing without a doubt that I adore each one of them.  I want to reach out more.  I want to care for others better.  I want to worry less.  I want to have more peace.  I want to be better.

I'll fail, I know.  I'll wish I did things differently.  But, this year, I want to try to pick up, move on, and strive toward Heaven...detached and humble.  Welcome, 2018!