Saturday, July 27, 2013

Feeding the Cow...

The cousins came to visit this week and got a glimpse of life on the ranch.  The sick cow and steer had to be fed. So off the "men" went.  No shirts necessary...

Peter was bringing up the rear...

Sam and Gus grabbed the hay...

Here came the roping steer...

And Carter had a few straws to add...

Back for round two...

The cow was not happy...

Peter's turn...

And then back to the barn.

Sharing our life with others, and by doing so gaining an even greater appreciation for it, is what it's all about.  Such a fun day with the family.


  1. have to frame that picture of Jeremy and Peter. Precious. Absolutely precious.


  2. Perfect fashion statement for the littlest ranch hand: cowboy boots and diaper! I'd think that Jeremy would be melting about now in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt...
