Monday, April 6, 2015

A Little Bit of Easter

So, we did a few things we've never done for Easter this year.  Why?  Because I have a problem with Instagram.  I'll be looking through in my downtime and see a picture of a fun family activity, or a Catholic mom incorporating a fun way of celebrating the Church year into their daily lives. Clothes...don't get me started on that "like it to know it" feature...bad, bad, bad for the wallet. 

Anyway, onto the fun things on Instagram...I typically think last-minute-style, "Oh, we need to do that, too!"  So, this year it was pretzel and hot cross buns making.  I'm a sucker for baking, and I wanted the kids to have some fun, so during Holy Week we did this...
 If you've never read about why people make pretzels during Lent, read it here.  It's so neat!

The kids had a blast rolling them out!

...and we ended up with this!  I used Alton Brown's recipe at the suggestion of a few Insta moms, and it was perfect!
Then, Jeremy had to go help pull a calf, so the boys and I got ready for bed and brought out the egg-decorating fun.  Fun (I need to be more fun, because I don't think fun includes: "DO NOT MOVE THE PAPER!  NO, MOMMA IS THE ONLY ONE WHO DOES THIS PART!"  "AHH, LISTEN TO ME!"  Yeah, not doing so great in the fun department these days.  

But, we ended up with some pretty little eggs.

 Then came Easter morning and we got this gem of a family photo ;)
We also made hot cross buns (thank you, Instagram and Pioneer Woman - I used her her recipe here).

And, we found a winner.  Sophie love, love, loved them!
Then, the great egg hunt before Mass and while Sophie was napping.


And, finally Mass, lunch, too-fullness, and a day of one too many pieces of Easter candy along with one-too-many snotty noses (thanks to colds that just set in).
But, every little bit was worth it!  


  1. Happy Easter! Great memories!! And I live your family photo. We had a failure in that department ha ha ha!

  2. Looks like you guys had a wonderful Easter! Such great ideas, thanks for sharing!

  3. That family photo is so beautiful! Gorgeous people y'all are! And Sophie... she kills me every time. Sweet thing!
