Friday, March 1, 2013

7 Quick Takes...

This is my first time to link up with Jen at Conversion Diary!

--- 1 ---
I finished this amazing book last week:
My Sisters the Saints by Colleen Carroll Campbell

I cannot say enough good things about it.  It is absolutely beautiful and so real.  Campbell draws on the experiences of certain saints to help her through life's challenges.  It has a lesson for all in its depth, honesty and conviction.

--- 2 ---
We might be seeing a bit of this soon (with snow):

if we head to the cabin for a little R&R.

--- 3 ---
And we'll definitely see this in the next week:

It is calving season here, and lots of baby calves are on their way!  Life is about to get a little busy :)

--- 4 ---
We lost this guy:
Our dog Cocoa, who we got when Carter was just about a month old, has vanished.  He's been gone for about two weeks.  While I'm not the biggest animal person, I miss him.

--- 5 ---
Any of you NFPers out there heard of this drug: Lysteda?  I've been told that it serves to treat those with heavy/painful periods without the use of hormonal contraceptives.  May be a blessing!

--- 6 ---

Carter and I are planning to make these next week for our weekly baking venture!  

--- 7 ---
I know I've mentioned this before, but I can't get enough of Brother Francis.  These little 25 minute animations are amazing!

Have a great weekend and check out the other Quick Takes at


  1. I just finished that book last night!! I love it too!!

  2. Ahh, this book sounds amazing!! I have got to read it for sure!

    Yay for some R&R for you! Yay!

