I thought some of my boys were independent. Then, Sophie came along. Lately, she's been getting dressed in her room before she comes to greet everyone for the day, and as of late, her typical ensemble looks something like this...
You know, just incase an outfit needs to be a bit more complicated than a romper already is.
And, if you follow me on Instagram, you already saw this, but she dressed for the pool (on a recent weekend trip) all by herself...complete with a different pair of goggles every time. I think they made her cross-eyed, but she couldn't care less. She was proud...very proud.

Any time I try to help her with something (unless she is tired or doesn't feel well), she shakes her head and says, "I do it!" So, I let her. Sometimes that means shoes on the wrong feet. Other times it means a misplaced bow or something taking three minutes instead of one (oh well). And, she's even determined to potty all.by.herself. So, I run with it.
Tomorrow she gets her tubes, and we're praying for relief from the ear infections and help with her speech. If she's as determined and strong-willed with this as she is with everything else, she'll be better in no time!
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