So, I'm not great with crafts. Really, I think I like it for the first three minutes or so, and then I'm ready to clean up the mess. At Elley's house though, things are a bit different. She has a box of little fun "pwojects" for the kids, and last week we got to cut and paste.

It's really neat to see how far Carter has come with these little skills. He is finally able to cut along the lines and glue things himself. Of course, it makes him (and me!) extra proud.
Peter just loves to cut...whatever it may be. Sometimes it's on the line. Sometimes it's seeing how many cuts he can get in one edge of paper. But, he loves to have a pair of scissors in hand.
John Paul just loves doing whatever his big brothers are doing.
And, Elley is such a great, patient teacher.
The activity never lasts too long, but it keeps their attention for just long enough. And, they seem to enjoy the change of pace.

'm not sure that I'll ever have a kid who likes to sit and color for hours. Oh well! Sometimes though, I just love to sit and stare at their looks of concentration.

Just a fun little way to end the week.
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