Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Mid-week Likes & Links

This article is so powerful.

I had so much fun with Brooke on her podcast this week!

I might have made Joanna Gaines' biscuits four times already.  I can't find the recipe online but it's in her summer journal!

We bought this little cot as an easy thing to fold out when the kids need to nap somewhere other than their rooms.  Peter is using it now, and it's so handy!

This isn't a gel manicure, but it's easy for home (I may paint my nails once a year)!

We are re-arranging our playroom/school room a bit.  I'm adding this to the mix.

Of course, I've still been listening to podcasts.  I love #25, #26, and #28 from Dr. Meg Meeker.

I'm jumping back on My Fitness Pal and paying attention to steps.  Anyone want to be fitness buddies?

I am not his fan, but how neat is this short video about education in Finland?

Happy Wednesday!

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