Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Mid-week Likes & Links

I don't know about you, but these were my favorite books as a kid - well, these and anything from James Herriot!  My mom still has part of a set at home, and I've never wanted to ask her for them, because I love that she can read them to my kids when they are there.  It just all brings back so many childhood memories of sitting on my mom's lap and learning of heroes and virtues!  So, when I found these for $1 each on a facebook group the other day, I about died!  And...I bought them all!

Then, this also came in the mail the same day.  You know how much of a planner person I am.  And, this one takes the cake!  Blessed is She is sold out of its very first planner, and I hate it for you, BUT, we're making calendars I hear, so stay tuned!
Look at all of the details!  Prayers, feast days, verses...everything!
 I'm assuming these will become a yearly staple, so be on the lookout for the next one!
These mini-me shoes I bought for Sophie.   And, these for Carter that look like his dad's.

I hate chalk.  The feel of it, really.  So, I have a dry erase board instead.  But, the markers aren't my favorite, so look what I found!  Win/win.

This might be a good fall purchase.

His podcasts are always my favorite, and I especially liked this last one I listened to!

I ordered a few of these for Jeremy's birthday, and the kids are devouring them!

My sister sent him some beef sticks from this place, and they are a-mazing!

I've never been a runner...nor have I really wanted to, but I love the idea of it.  Ha!  So, I bought this little app to get in a bit better shape for this pregnancy...and can I tell you how humbling it is to think you're running a certain pace and then to see that it is quite different than you thought?!  Ha!

What are you loving these days?

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