taking stock // winter
making: lists. I'm always making lists.
cooking: my trial box from Blue Apron - it's delicious!
drinking: mostly black coffee and water but having an occasional glass of Menage a Trois red wine - it's so good.
reading: The Extrodinary Parents of St. Therese of Lisieux - I've just started.
wanting: to take time to read and pray more every day.
looking: at a clean home after putting the Christmas decorations away and wondering how we can simplify a bit.
playing: with Sophie and her blocks.
wasting: time in the evenings watching any of these - Code Black (my new favorite), Blacklist, Madam Secretary, Downton Abbey, Chicago PD and Chicago Fire
sewing: nothing. Per usual.
wishing: time.would.slow.down.
enjoying: Winter. I really love Winter - this is a fairly new thing for me. But, I love the coziness of it, the warmth of a fire, the shorter days, and the time we have together as a family.
liking: this eye shadow palette I just purchased.
wondering: when I'll see my sister and her family again.
hoping: I'm ready for the next Whole30 I'm going to do with her.
marveling: at how much we've been blessed.
smelling: a fire in the fireplace.
needing: nothing, and trying to keep that up as I strive to become a bit less materialistic.
wearing: my pjs still. With this wrap that my mother-in-law bought me for Christmas - think of it as a cozy blanket - I'm in love!
following: so many lovely women on Instagram where it's easier than reading a whole blog these busy days.
noticing: that I have an incredibly helpful husband, and when people ask me how I do it all (which I don't), I'm reminded that he makes it possible.
knowing: that every experience good or bad teaches us something...and hoping that I can see the good it in all.
thinking: about the year ahead and wondering what it entails.
bookmarking: a blog post from Lindsay at My Child I Love You. She's one of my favorites. Also, this post from Anna!
opening: my gmail to find NOTHING in my inbox. I'm hoping I figure out the problem really soon!
giggling: at John Paul always. Most recently, his response to us asking who baptized Jesus..."John the Cactus!"
feeling: sooo grateful for the gift of motherhood.
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