Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Five Favorites...

Doing the Wednesday thing and joining Hallie for...

Five Favorites, hosted at

1.  This iced coffee recipe:

Magical Coffee

2.  How sweet is this necklace!?
gold pink quartz necklace

I read about Lisa Leonard's jewelry somewhere.  Maybe it was Grace's blog?  Or Anna's?  Either way, it's so sweet - check it out!

3.  These crayons I ordered as party favors for Carter's third birthday:

Recycled Crayons 8 Fire Truck,8 Firemen Hats Shaped, 8 Fire Hydrant Crayons

4.  This shirt:

5.  This blog from my sister.  Have I said that before?  Oh well :)

Check out Moxie Wife for more favorites!!!


  1. I love all of these things too. All of them. Good list!


  2. I want some of those crayons. For myself. Since you know...I don't have kids. BUT I work in construction, so it should be allowed.

    Wonderful list of favs!


    1. You know...I might just end up with an extra set ;)

  3. Did you take that coffee picture, Miss Talentpants?
