Thursday, March 3, 2011

What We're Up to These Days...

Well, I thought it might be time for my quarterly update :)*

*I might do this more often if it didn't take half a day to upload the pictures, and then decide to delete all of the text before I pressed "publish post." Brilliant.

Ranch Life: This little momma, who loves Carter to pieces is about to have a baby calf. Since we have a few hundred of these, ranch life is about to get busy!

Cocoa, the puppy, is not much of a puppy anymore.

Family Life: the last family picture we took on Christmas Day 2010

A visit from one of the best girls I know (and possibly Carter's future wife???)

I am taking an online photography class in hopes of learning to use my new camera. Here are a few shots...

Our hay barn

One of the windmills

An old barn by our home

A nightly view

Carter's Life: He's on the move, army-style and is getting into everything! He eats any book he can find and loves to make us laugh. He's such a good-natured little boy and the joy of our lives!

1 comment :

  1. Britt---your pictures are fantastic! You're so amazing! Love seeing Mr. Carter on here....I've GOT to meet this kiddo in person soon!

