Thursday, March 7, 2019

Getting Back into Things: July in Review

So, I'm behind.  Waaaaay behind.  But, I want these memories written down, so for the next few weeks, I'm going to try to get back at this.  I've had some requests for some likes and links, so I'm trying again when I can.  For's a look a few months back.

Time with our princess cousin...(and Annie Oakley)

When Henry had curls...

The kids participated (and one team won!) in a little rodeo.

Then, we caught some candy...

My sister and parents made a scavenger hunt for all the kids (yes, they're that cool!)

Then, we shot off a few fireworks!

There was a quick visit out to Gramma's house...

The girls learned how to work...

and paint...

We made ice cream...

shot the bb gun...

and modeled a bit.

Sophie became a mom...

These two got into some trouble with their Bug...

And, we watched our baby grow.
That was our July.

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