Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Those Guardians

Friday had been a long day.  Nothing terrible happened, but not many great things did either.  I think I'm just a little on edge and moving slower (not a great combo with three rambunctious boys)!  We had spent the day at my mom's (she wasn't there though), and after naps, we had a Mass to participate in and a graduation party to attend.  The boys were still recovering from an extra long week, and their demeanor showed it.

So, we made it to Mass (and my mom kept the boys - such a blessing).  It was the anniversary of our priest's ordination and he held a Blue Mass (I guess that's what they call it when they honor service men and women and members of the police department, fire department, etc.  As we were leaving, Father gave us a key chain with a Saint Michael medal on it, explaining how he isn't only the patron of the policemen, but of all in need of protection.

We quickly put the medal in our car and headed to the graduation party where we'd meet my parents and the boys.  It was a great event, and we left late (just trying to stretch the boys a little more, ha!).  As we left, the rain started coming quickly and heavily.  When we were about 1.5 miles from our turn off, we almost couldn't see, so we braked, put our hazard lights on and slowed way down.  Apparently the semi truck behind us didn't notice and within seconds he was inches from our suburban as we were being pushed off the road.  We barely missed him sideswiping us, and just as he cleared our vehicle, his trailer jack-knifed and he started hydroplaning down the highway.  Luckily we were going slow enough to stop before crashing into him, and he got it under control down the road, but I have never been so scared for our lives as I was in those moments.

I have to believe that Saint Michael was hovering over our car, protecting our little family.  Even more so, I believe our guardian angels were with us.  After listening to this CD a year or so ago, we pray daily for the protection our guardian angels offer.  They came though.  Oh, did they come through!

Plus it didn't help my worry when I found a pray card in my planner earlier that day that I have no idea where if came from.  It had a picture of the Holy Family on it with a poem called God's Child and Yours:
"I'll lend you for a little while 
A child of mine" God said - 
For you to love the while he lives 
and mourn for when he's dead. 
It may be six or seven years 
or forty two or three 
but will you, till I call him back, 
take care of him for me?

He'll bring his charms to gladden you 
and, should his stay be brief, 
you'll have his nicest memories 
as solace for his grief. 
I cannot promise he will stay, 
since all from earth return 
but, there are lessons taught below, 
I want this child to learn.

I've looked the whole world over, 
in my search for teachers true, 
and from the things that crowd life's lane 
I have chosen you. 
Now will you give him all your love, 
nor think the labour vain, 
nor hate me when I come to take 
this lent child back again?

I fancied that I heard them say, 
"Dear Lord Thy Will Be Done" 
for all the joys thy child will bring 
the risk of grief we'll run. 
We'll shelter him with tenderness, 
we'll love him while we may, 
and for the happiness we've known 
forever grateful stay. 
But, should thy Angels call for him 
much sooner than we planned, 
we'll brave the grief that comes 
and try to understand.

Needless to say, many prayers of thanksgiving continue to be offered that we're all safe and sound, together as a family.  And, I think I'll be a bit more okay with slowly chasing after them, too!


  1. Oh my gosh, I am so thankful to your guardian angels!! That is another wonderful thing about having a large family-- you have a legion of angels around you all the time. And those pictures are hilarious. I wish you had enough to make a flip book of them falling into the cooler or being found in it. And come back to Chicago.

  2. Wow, thank God for St. Michael! So scary. I'm so glad that you all are okay!

  3. Gosh, so scary! What a great reminder to pray to our guardian angels daily. They are the best!!!

  4. What a terrifying experience! And sobering. And somehow still valuable, when it really hits home how precious those lives are. I'm so glad you all are okay.

  5. Uhh my nerves were going just reading this. How scary. I would be a total mess! I am so so glad you guys are all okay and safe!

  6. this whole post gave me chills, amazing!

    1. It was so scary. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as it could have been, and it was an amazing reminder of the delicate lives we live!

  7. Britt, glad y'all are all safe! So scary! And so thankful your sweet angels gaurded and protected your sweet family! My heart beat a bit faster reading this post and I ended up teary at the end of it because of the reality that your perspective brought. Love y'all!

  8. How scary! I hate driving around semi trucks because I always fear the worst. Thanks for the link to that CD. I've definitely seen the power of prayers to the angels in my life. I pray to my guardian angel, my husband's and my kids' angels everyday. They never disappoint! And I love Blue Masses! My husband is a firefighter and we've enjoyed the Blue Masses our Parish celebrates. God Bless!

    1. I know!!! I pray to them, too - and I think it's so important. I think I sometimes forget just how powerful they really are! Tell your husband thanks for what he does too :)

  9. So scary! Praise God you're okay!

  10. Oh my gosh!!! What a terribly scary event...and I KNOW it was because of the medal. Did you tell your priest?? I've heard of Blue Masses, but haven't seen one at our parish here in Texas. Rest. Rest. Rest.
