Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Thoughts and Links

This week, this butterfly showed up.  We haven't seen any butterflies this summer, and the boys were ecstatic when they saw this one in our flower garden.  They came running to tell me, and I headed out the door with my camera.  It stayed forever...even landing on my arm for some time.  It was in our little garden the entire morning we were outside.  I cannot help but think it was one of God's beautiful signs.

I'm second-shooting a wedding tomorrow as part of a photography mentorship.  Michael Graham took Sophie's newborn photos, and he offers mentorships in different areas.  I'm photographing my sweet friend Tiffany's wedding this fall, and I need all the help I can get.  Plus, I cannot decide if I should do a little photography on the side.  Decisions decisions.  Any of you photographers out there have any thoughts? Does it consume you?  Would you recommend looking further into it?

I ordered this lipstick (in Cava) at the urging of my cousin, and I couldn't be happier.  It's a nude (which is mainly all I wear), but it has a teeny bit of a purple-gray tint to it - sounds weird, yes. But it's really pretty.

I won a clutch from GiGi New York at The Hundred event.  I plan to do a little post with it in the future, but as I was recently perusing their site, I came across this.  Isn't it a beautiful bag?!  It's my "window shopping" bag for the week - ha!

Peter has recently decided that camo (or as he calls it "army") clothing is all he really wants to wear.  I have probably mentioned it before, but it couldn't have come at a better time (as much as I never thought my kids would wear camo).  He seems to be in fashion according to Mini Boden and J. Crew.

A reader emailed me a few days ago and suggested what she thought my blog focus/niche was.  She said, "Do whatever you feel you're supposed to. Maybe it's to convey love, to show beauty, to give hope, to enlighten. Those are the things I see in your blog, at least.   From my far-off vantage, I think you shine most when you're posting gorgeous photos and honest words about your family, your landscape, your reflections, hopes, and sometimes fears. I think when you do those things, you're able to spark something in others. And thereby do some real good that you can be proud to count at times when you wonder whether you're spending the right amount of time on your various responsibilities.  
Thank you for this.  I do often wonder what makes people read the blog and what they get from it.  Are there particular topics or posts that you most enjoy?  While I feel that most of it is just a journal of my daily life, I'm wondering what keeps you reading this little ol' blog and how I do a bit better job of connecting. Should I go so far as to ask what you don't like???

I'm looking for new personalized stationary.  Comment with your favorite shop.  So far, I love these, these and even these for notes to the husband.

Have the best weekend - I look forward to your responses!

-linking up with Jen-


  1. I think your readers email was dead on :-) I love coming over here to see your pictures and to see what your little corner of the world looks like.

  2. Second shooting is the BEST way to learn/figure out if you like shooting weddings. I 2nd shot for almost a year before I went off on my own. And I love what your reader's right on :)

  3. ;) I particularly like when you post about the ranch, because it's so different from my own landscape and life on the east coast. And I love, love posts about your little ones.

    Gorgeous butterfly pic. My brother did second shooting for his friend's photography business and really enjoyed it. Sometimes the days were long, but he always seemed so happy afterward.

  4. You are such a gifted photographer~ I especially love the way you capture those sweet little faces God has placed in your care~ I also love the way you share about your day-to-day, and it has been clear to me (from the first time we crossed paths) that you are an incredibly kind-hearted person~ So thankful for your space!


  5. I agree with all the kind things your reader emailed to you. :) I come to your blog for beautiful pictures of places that are so different than the New England scenery I see on a daily basis. I come to your blog for honest posts about being a mom and loving a family... and sometimes realizing that only God is going to get you through the day. :) I come for a smile, for encouragement, and for a little visit. Reading your blog is like sitting down to tea with a close friend. It's warm, inviting, sweet, and honest. Don't change a thing! :)

  6. Beautiful picture! I love reading about your life and seeing the pictures as well.
