Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Mid-Week Likes & Links

Have you seen this about the "meanest mom in the world"?  It's so good!

Fr. Michael's podcast on being offended.

Take a look at the Father Simon Says podcast or this blog post of his on weddings.

Finally finished this book.

I've recently starting wearing aprons to keep my clothes clean while cooking, and I love this one.

This movie made me love Mother Teresa even more.

My aunt sent me this video.  We made ornaments for Christmas, but the kids will love doing this soon!

I tried these at Starbucks a few weeks ago and already placed two orders on Amazon (some of a different brand).  So much for my exercising post earlier this week.

Well, it happened.  I enrolled Carter in this for the fall.  Pray for us :)  We're excited!

I really want to do something like this white-washed look for our back bathroom sometime.  Has anyone done it that would like to offer tips?

Again, what are you loving these days?

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